No matter if English is
our only language, we are able to know what the French Emma Bovary
and the Russian Anna Karenina thought and said thanks to translators.
And although we can easily name the authors who brought those two
famous characters to literary life, most of us would be hard-pressed
to identify any translators. After all, aren't they mere conduits,
turning the authors' foreign words into English ones?

lauded it to my fellow book group readers because, obviously, a
Foreign Authors Bookgroup has a special interest in translation.
Although, as I have mentioned in previous posts, we do not read
foreign authors
exclusively, but rather, fiction and non-fiction about foreign lands
and cultures. This year, three of our selections are translated from
another language, which is actually very substantial percentage-wise.
A blog on international literature is named Three Percent because, as
is stated in the About section “only about 3% of all books
published in the United States are works in translation.” Check
out all the great resources they offer to acquaint you with those