Definitely a more-is-more composition, but each empty space seemed to call out for another element. I began with the beautiful central figure by Aeria-Model on DeviantArt and used one of my own photos as the setting. The crow on the rock in the right hand corner is from Morguefile, as is the flying crow in the upper left hand side. The open box under the flower is from stockvault. There are also two different textures, one from Flypaper Textures Taster Pack and one from flickr which I can't attribute. The decorative circle is from Dover Photoshop Brushes & Creative Tools: Calligraphic & Abstract Designs. And, of course, what's the point of an umbrella without rain? Created here with rain brushes from DeviantArt. With the exception of the Dover book, all of these resources were free, so thank you to the individuals who generously offer their work for the use of others.
Brushes & Creative Tools: Calligraphic and Abstract Designs - See
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Brushes & Creative Tools: Calligraphic and Abstract Designs - See
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