I'm almost embarrassed to show these Before photos of the chaise and one of the two matching chairs which we bought at an auction thirty plus years ago. We'd had them reupholstered professionally back then, but when they started wearing out, I simply couldn't find the right fabric for the furniture and for the upstairs sitting room they occupy. As you can see, the situation was getting dire: the old fabric was disintegrating and the springs were sagging and poking every which way.

To keep it from looking too utilitarian, I made the trim out of the silky fabric; the embroidery just shows as white accents on the cord.
At this point we had decided to tackle the job ourselves. From the pile of books I borrowed from the library, the two we found most helpful were Singer Upholstery Basics Plus by Steve Cone and Spruce: a step-by-step guide to upholstery and design by Amanda Brown. I especially like the latter book because of a visual chart which shows the pages for specific design features, such as rolled arms or a tight seat. And after much searching on the Internet, the videos from DIY Upholstery Supply were the ones we repeatedly referenced. That was also where we ordered our supplies; you can find everything you need there.
We began at the end of December and had it all essentially finished by the end of March. Here are the After photos, ta-dah!

Yes, there are some flaws which I know about, but you mostly can't see. And I found it extremely stressful. Unlike sewing, where you can usually take apart and re-do if something goes amiss, a lot of the steps here were final. Plus, there was no practicing, just doing. We had to do it right, or as right as possible, the first time. But it was also interesting, and it's always empowering to satisfactorily complete a challenging project, especially one that involves learning new skills. If you would like to see some of the specific steps in the transformation of these pieces, read on.