I was about to go on and
on here, telling you in enthralling detail how I went from that image
to this, which I thought was my final result. But, yes, I do realize
that you may not be as enthralled by the intricacies of Photoshop as
I am. (Mr. C is nodding his head vigorously in agreement with that!).
So I'll just say that, after hitting Save one last time around
midnight, I snuggled into bed well pleased with what I had wrought
with layers and masks and blend modes and filters and....
Of course, it's always a
good idea to sleep on it. In the morning I saw a more “illustrative”
effect in my mind's eye, so I fired up Photoshop once again and some
time later (much too much time later), I ended up with this. I
probably could work on it more, trying out various other ideas and
techniques, but now it really is time to call it completed and move
on to my next adventure manipulating pixels for my own personal amusement and edification.